
Сказка репка на англ языке. Сценарий сказки на английском языке репка на новый лад. Все поют песню “The more we get together"

The Turnip

Инсценировка сказки «Репка» для учащихся 2 классов,

обучающихся по курсу М. З. Биболетовой и др. «Enjoy English »


Учитель английского языка

Харламова С. А.

Цель: прививать интерес к изучению иностранного языка.


    Повышение мотивации к изучению английского языка и формирование познавательной активности;

    Расширение кругозора, знаний о фольклоре страны изучаемого языка;

    Всестороннее развитие личности, включая эмоциональную и духовную сферы;

    Воспитание умения работать в команде, ответственности, трудолюбия и дисциплины;

    Интегрирование с другими предметами (музык ой) ;

    Развитие творческих способностей;

    Воспитание культуры общения;

    Развитие умения применять полученные знания и навыки в конкретной обстановке;

    Обобщающее повторение пройденного материала за первый год обучения;

    Вовлечение в творческий процесс всех учащихся класса, учитывая индивидуальные способности каждого.

В постановке охвачены следующие темы из учебной программы:



    Глаголы движения

    Глагол Can

    Глагол to be

  1. Погода (дополнительно)

Декорации: деревенский забор, пенечки.

Реквизит: маски животных для животных фермы, костюмы для старого МакДональда (шляпа, сапоги, ремень), его жены (платок, фартук), садовые инструменты для героев, для внучки – современный гаджет.

Музыкальное сопровождение:

«Минус» двух композиций: «I’m a little tea-pot »и «Old McDonald had a farm ».

Песня «How’s the weather?» из Super simple songs

Ход постановки:

За плетеным заборчиком становятся актеры, изображающие домашних животных. Поют все вместе английскую песенку про старого МакДональда.

Altogether: Old McDonald had a farm


And on that farm he had some ducks (pigs, cows, dogs, cats, horses)


With a quack-quack here and a quack-quack there

Here quack, there quack, everywhere quack-quack

Old McDonald had a farm


Выходит старый МакДональд с корзинкой с семенами. Типичный американский фермер.

Old McDonald: I want to plant a turnip!

Grow, grow very quickly.

Grow, grow very big.

Затем к нему выходят внучка и жена, они вместе поют песенку, используя пальчиковую игру.

На каждую строчку-свое движение.

I plant a seed in the cold, cold ground. (показывают, как сеют семена)

Out comes the yellow sun, big and round. (круговое движение руками, как будто выходит солнышко)

Down come the raindrops soft and slow. (плавные движения вверх-вниз, имитация дождя)

Up comes the turnip , and grow, grow, grow! (руки вверх будто прорастает зерно)

Фермеры поглядывают на небо. Слышны раскаты грома.

Old McDonald: How’s the weather?

Granny: How’s the weather?

Granddaughter: How’s the weather?

Все поют песенку How’s the weather?

Актеры уходят, из-за заборчика появляется репка.

The turnip: (вырастая)

I grow very quickly.
I grow, look at me.
I grow very quickly.
I grow, you can see.

Выходит старик:

Old McDonald: - I am very glad! Now I"ll pull it out the ground!
I cannot do it. Granny, come here!

Выходит жена старого МакДональда.

Old McDonald: Can you Help me?
Granny: Of course I can!
Вместе : - 1,2,3…Pull, pull, pull out. Don"t fall on the ground!
We cannot do it.
- Granddaughter, come here!

Выходит внучка в наушниках, пританцовывая.

Hello! How are you?


I’m fine, thank you!

Little girl, little girl, where do you go?

Granddaughter: I go to see my grandma,

I love and miss her so!

Wow! What a big turnip!!!

Granny: Can you help us?

Granddaughter: Of course I can
Вместе : 1, 2, 3…Pull, pull, pull out. Don"t fall on the ground!

Granddaughter : Dog, come here!!!

Выходит собачка.


Hello!How are you?

Dog: I’m great, thank you!

Dog: I am a pretty, little dog,

I can bark but cannot talk.

I am strong and like to play

In the garden every day.

Granddaughter: Can you help us?

Dog: Of course I can!
Вместе :

Dog: Cat, come here!

Выходит кошка.

Dog: Hello! How are you?

Cat: I’m wonderful!

Cat: I am a nice and funny cat.

I sleep on my green mat.

I am white and grey

With you I like to play.
Dog : Can you help us?

Cat: Of course I can!

Вместе : 1,2,3…Pull, pull, pull out. Don"t fall on the ground!

Появляется мышка.

Mouse: Pea-pea-pea!
Все : Who are you?

Mouse : I am a mouse.

Cat : Have you got a house?

Mouse: I am a poor little mouse

I have no house!

Can I help you?
Все : - Of course!
Вместе : 1,2,3…Pull, pull, pull out. And fall on the ground!

Репка встает во весь рост:

The turnip : Here I am!

Звучит мелодия из «Old McDonald had a farm » Актеры выходят на поклон.

The end.

« Инсценированная сказка «Репка» на английском языке »

3 класс

Организационные моменты


Воспитание активно - творческого и эмоционально-эстетического отношения к слову через инсценировку сказки.

Задачи :

1) интерпретировать лексику через систему игр, а не механическое запоминание слов по списку;

2) включить новые слова в систему отношений, уже сложившуюся между известными детям словами и их группами .

Содержание мероприятия (конспект)

Действующие лица :

Репка (the Turnip)

Дед (the Grandfather)

Бабка (the Grandmother)

Внучка (the Granddaughter)

Собака (the Dog)

Кошка (the Cat)

Мышка (the Mouse)

Рассказчик (Narrator)

Autumn is the time for harvest.
Gather in what you have grown!
Give the treat to every house,

His and hers and your own

Narrator : Once upon a time, there lived an old man and an old woman. They lived in the village of Redkino. Everybody knew them because the Grandfather was the most famous gardener all over the region. He grew the best fruit in the village. His plums were very juicy in his garden. His strawberries were the most beautiful and sweet as sugar. His cherries were always sweet too. The Grandfather was very proud of his it. But one day he decided to start growing vegetables. And he goes to the garden and plants a turnip.

Звучит весёлая музыка и появляется дед с лопатой.

Grandfather: Hello, my name is Joe. In May I planted a turnip and now it’s high time to pull it out.

N . : Pulls the Turnip.

Joe: The Turnip is too big for me! I love my wife and my wife loves me. Rosie, Rosie please help me!

Выходит бабушка

N.: The Grandmother is very bright spark. She likes to sing and dance. She never looks sad.

Rosie: What’s the matter?

Joe: Help me, please!

Rosie: All right, Joe.

N.: The Grandmother by the Grandfather, the Grandfather by the Turnip. Pull the Turnip.

Joe and Rosie:

N.: No result.

Rosie : Oh,the Turnip is too big for us.

N.: They have a Granddaughter, Kate by name. She is a very kind girl, she always helps her Grandparents . Grandmother calls the Granddaughter.

Rosie: Kate, Kate, come here, help us, please!

Kate : All right, Granny. I’m coming

На сцену выходит внучка

N.: The Granddaughter by the Grandmother, the Grandmother by the Grandfather, the Grandfather by the Turnip. Pull the Turnip.

Joe and Rosie and Kate: One, two, three!.. One, two, three!

N.: No result.

Joe and Rosie and Kate: Oh, it’s too big for us!

N.: Granddaughter calls the dog.

Kate: Dog, Dog, come here, help us, please!

N. : They also have a dog. He is a very clever dog. He guards the house and his master.

Появляется собака

Dog: I am a dog, my name is Jack.
My nose is nice, my coat is black.

What’s the matter?

Kate: Jack, Jack, help us, please!

Jack: All right, Kate.

N.: The Dog by the Granddaughter, the Granddaughter by the Grandmother, the Grandmother by the Grandfather, the Grandfather by the Turnip. Pull the Turnip.

Together: One, two, three!... One, two, three!

N.: No result.

Together: Oh, it’s too big for us!

N.: And they have a cat, Murka by name. She is a very good mother for her kittens. She takes care of them and plays with them .

Jack: Murka, Murka, help us, please!

Murka: I’m Murka the cat. I don’t like fat rats

I’m a little bit fat. When they sit on the mats.

Murka: All right, Jack. I’m coming.

Выходит Мурка

N.: The Cat by the Dog, the Dog by the Granddaughter, the Granddaughter by the Grandmother, the Grandmother by the Grandfather, the Grandfather by the Turnip. Pull the Turnip.

Together : One, two, three!.. One, two, three!

N.: No result.

Together: Oh, it’s too big for us!

Murka: Mouse, Mouse, come here! Help us, please!


I am a mouse,
You are a cat;
One, two, three,
You catch me!

Murka: No, I don’t. Help us, please!

Mouse: What’s the matter?

Murka: This turnip is very big for us, we can’t pull it out!

Mouse : Ok.

Together: One, two, three!.. One, two, three!

N.: The Mouse by the Cat, the Cat by the Dog, the Dog by the Granddaughter, the Granddaughter by the Grandmother, the Grandmother by the Grandfather, the Grandfather by the Turnip. Pull the Turnip.

Joe : The turnip is too big. Let’s try again.

Turnip: Here I am! I’m very big!

All together sing:

Gaily dancing round the ring,
Round the ring, round the ring,
While we all together sing,
And clap our hands in time


Действующие лица:

Narrator 1 Narrator 2 Narrator 3 Narrator 4 The Turnip The old man Granny Anna The dog The cat The mouse

Реквизит: костюмы действующим лицам, лопатка детская, лейки, скакалка.

Narrator 1: One day an old man goes to his garden. The old man plants a turnip seed.

The old man (капает землю, сажает семя): Please, grow very big!

Granny (выходит и поливает репку): I like turnips.

Anna (выходит и поливает репку): I like turnips.

The dog and the cat (выбегаю и поливают репку): We like turnips.

The Mouse (выскакивает и поливает репку): I like turnips, too.

(Танцуют вокруг репки и поют песню “Little Seed”)

You look so sweet!

Припев: Turnip seed, very small

Grow, turnip, grow

Turnip seed, very small

We love turnips so!

(Уходят в дом)

Narrator 2: The turnip grows and grows.

The Turnip: I’m big. I’m nice. I’m very sweet.

The old man: It’s a big giant turnip now. (Тянет репку) One, two, three… (Вытирает пот со лба) It’s too big for me. Granny, come here. Help me, please!

Narrator 3: Granny is a very bright woman. She likes to sing and dance. She never looks sad.

(Звучит песенка “With my foot I tap-tap-tap”, входит бабушка, пританцовывая)

Granny: What’s the matter?

The old man: Please help me pull the turnip out!

Granny: Alright, I’m coming!

Narrator 3: So, she holds the old man. The old man holds the turnip. They pull and pull and pull.

All together: One, two, three… One, two, three… (Опускают руки, уставшие). It’s too big for us. We need help.

Granny: Anna, come and help us.

Anna (прыгает на скакалке): Over my head and under my toes,

That’s the way my rope goes,

I can skip slowly, I can skip fast,

Look, my rope is whirling past.

Alright. I’m coming.

Narrator 4: So, Anna holds granny. Granny holds the old man. The old man holds the turnip. They pull and pull and pull.

All together: One, two, three… One, two, three… (Опускают руки, уставшие). It’s too big for us.

Anna: We need some help. Dog, dog! ... Help us, please!

(Звучит песенка « Hello, how are you», появляется пес)

Dog: I am pretty, little dog,

I can bark but can’t talk.

I’m black and like to play

In the garden every day.

What’s the matter?

Anna: Please help us pull out the turnip!

The dog: Alright! I’m coming.

Narrator 1: So, the dog holds Anna. Little Anna holds granny. Granny holds the old man. The old man holds the turnip. They pull and pull and pull.

The dog: We need some help. Cat, cat! ... Help us, please!

(Звучит песенка «Three little kittens», появляется кошка)

The cat: I’m a nice and funny cat.

I always sleep on my green mat.

I’m white and grey,

I like with you to play

What’s the matter?

The dog: Please help us pull out the turnip!

The cat: Alright! I’m coming.

Narrator 2: So, the cat holds the dog. The dog holds Anna. Little Anna holds granny. Granny holds the old man. The old man holds the turnip. They pull and pull and pull.

All together: One, two, three… One, two, three… (Опускают руки, уставшие. Вытирают пол со лба). It’s too big for us.

The cat: We need some help. Little mouse, little mouse! ... Help us, please!

(Звучит песенка “Hickory, dickory, dock!” выбегает мышка)

The mouse: I am a mouse, you are a cat;

One, two, three, catch me! (Начинает убегать от кошки)

The cat: No, I don’t. Please help us pull the turnip out!

(Мышка возвращается)

Narrator 3: So, the mouse holds the cat. The cat holds the dog. The dog holds Anna. Little Anna holds granny. Granny holds the old man. The old man holds the turnip. They pull and pull and pull.

All together: One, two, three… One, two, three!

(Все падают, репка встает, поднимает вверх руки)

The Turnip: POP…Here I am!

All together: Oh! What a big turnip we have!

(Все радуются и поют песню “A little help goes a long, long way”)

Goes a long long way

A long long way, a long long way!

Goes a long long way

Give a little help today!

To help a friend!

Hold on tight, hold on tight!

To help a friendыпб

Give your friends a helping hand!

Спектакль “ Turnip ” ( Репка ) , 3 класс


    костюмы к спектаклю;


    музыкальное оборудование;

    декорации к спектаклю;

Методическая цель– мотивация к дальнейшему изучению английского языка и максимально возможное раскрытие творческого потенциала учащихся.

Задачи: активизировать знания учащихся, полученные на уроках английского языка; развивать языковые способности, умения и навыки работать в команде; воспитывать интерес и любовь к предмету.

Main characters:








Mouse .

(В центре зала девочка, изображающая Репку. Зал оформлен в соответствии с темой мероприятия: домик, цветы, огород. Участники мероприятия по одному выходят из домика. Звучит легкая фоновая музыка.)

Narrator: Once upon a time there was a nice turnip…

Turnip: It"s about me! I am a turnip. I am big and very-very nice. Oh, what a lovely day today! Good morning, Sun! Good morning, Wind!

Good morning, good morning,

Good morning to you.

Good morning, good morning,

I am glad to see you!

Narrator: But the turnip is not the only character of our story…

(Выходит мальчик, изображающий Дедушку, с корзиной яиц в руках):

Grandfather: Hm-hm.. What a nice morning today! My favorite hens gave me so many eggs!

Look at the eggs

And count with me:

1 egg, 2 egg and now 3,

4 eggs, 5 eggs, 6 eggs, 7,

8 eggs, 9 eggs, 10, 11,

12, 13, 14, 15,

Then 16 and 17

Now we"ve got 18, 19,

20 eggs in one yellow bin.

My turnip is really big. I want to pull it out. 1, 2, 3! (Тянет репку ). Oh, it"s too big for me! Grandmother, come and help me, please.

( Выходит девочка , изображающая Бабушку ):

Grandmother : OK . I am coming. The turnip is really big. Let"s pull it out. 1, 2, 3! (Тянут репку ).Oh, it"s too big for us! Granddaughter, come and help us, please.

There is a little girl

And she had a pretty curl

Right in the middle

Of her forehead.

When she is good,

She is very, very good,

But when she is bad,

She is horrid.

Grandfather: Granddaughter, come and help us, please.

( Выходит девочка , изображающая Внучку ):

Granddaughter: Just a minute, I am coming.

I am a very pretty girl,

My hair"s long, I am not tall.

My blouse is beautiful and new,

My shoes are very small and blue.

Grandfather: Stop talking! 1, 2, 3! ( Тянут репку ). Oh, it"s too big for us!

Grandmother: I know! Let"s call our dog. He is very strong.

Grandfather, Grandmother, Granddaughter: Dog! Come and help us, please.

(Выбегает мальчик в костюме Пса):

Dog: Bow-wow! I am very-very strong! I like jumping, running and swimming. I can help you.

Exercise can make you strong,

It can be fun and won"t take long.

Grandfather: 1, 2, 3! ( Тянут репку ).Oh, it"s too big for us! Let"s call our Cat.

Grandfather, Grandmother, Granddaughter, Dog: Cat! Come and help us, please.

( Голос из дома ):

Cat: I am sleeping…

Granddaughter: Cat! Come here, please.

(Выходит девочка в костюме Кошки):

Cat: I don’t like turnip, I don’t want to pull it out.

Grandfather: Stop talking! 1, 2, 3! ( Тянут репку ).Oh, it"s too big for us!

Grandmother: I know! Let"s call our Mouse. She is little but she can help us.

Grandfather, Grandmother, Granddaughter, Cat, Dog: Mouse! Come and help us, please.

(Выбегает Мышка, дрожит от страха):

Mouse: I am not afraid of Cat! I am not afraid of Cat!

Cat: Mew…

Little Mouse, Little Mouse,

Where is your house?

Mouse: Little Cat, Little Cat,

I have no flat.

I am a poor Mouse,

I have no house.

Cat: Little Mouse, Little Mouse,

Come into my house!

Mouse: Little Cat, Little Cat,

I cannot do that.

You want to eat me!

Grandfather: Stop talking! 1, 2, 3! ( Тянут репку ). Once again! 1, 2, 3 ( вытянули Репку )!

Grandfather, Grandmother, Granddaughter, Cat, Dog, Mouse: Hooray-hooray!

(Дети танцуют вокруг репки и поют финальную песню The more we are together ):

The more we are together, together, together,

The more we are together,

The happier we are.

And my friend is your friend.

And your friend is my friend.

The more we are together,

The happier we are.

Narrator: And here our story is finished. Thank you for attention.

Grandpa planted a turnip. The turnip grew bigger and bigger. Grandpa came to pick the turnip, pulled and pulled but couldn’t pull it up! Grandpa called Grandma.
Grandma pulled Grandpa,
Grandpa pulled the turnip.
They pulled and pulled but couldn’t pull it up! Granddaughter came.

Grandma pulled Grandpa,

The doggy came.
Doggy pulled Granddaughter,
Granddaughter pulled Grandma,
Grandma pulled Grandpa,
Grandpa pulled the turnip. They pulled and pulled but couldn’t pull it up!
A kitty came.
Kitty pulled doggy,
Doggy pulled Granddaughter,
Granddaughter pulled Grandma,
Grandma pulled Grandpa,
Grandpa pulled the turnip. They pulled and pulled but couldn’t pull it up!
A mouse came.
The mouse pulled kitty,
Kitty pulled doggy,
Doggy pulled Granddaughter,
Granddaughter pulled Grandma,
Grandma pulled Grandpa,
Grandpa pulled the turnip. They pulled and pulled and pulled the turnip up!


Посадил дед репку. Выросла репка большая-пребольшая. Пошел дед рвать репку: тянет — потянет, вытянуть не может!
Позвал дед бабку. Бабка за дедку, Дедка за репку — тянут — потянут, вытянуть не могут!
Пришла внучка. Внучка за бабку, Бабка за дедку, Дедка за репку — тянут — потянут, вытянуть не могут!
Пришла собачка. Собачка за внучку, Внучка за бабку, Бабка за дедку, Дедка за репку — тянут — потянут, вытянуть не могут!
Пришла кошка. Кошка за собачку, Собачка за внучку, Внучка за бабку, Бабка за дедку, Дедка за репку — тянут — потянут, вытянуть не могут!
Пришла мышка. Мышка за кошку, Кошка за собачку, Собачка за внучку, Внучка за бабку, Бабка за дедку, Дедка за репку — тянут — потянут — вытянули репку!